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    About Me    

Raised on the endless miles of fresh waters all over Michigan, I learned the ins and outs of fishing from the time I was old enough to walk. I grew up fishing for bass and bluegills in the lakes, and smallmouth, trout, salmon and steelhead in the rivers. For the past  years I’ve been fly fishing for anything that swims. Whether it’s casting dry flies to rising trout, throwing articulated streamers to aggressive browns, or gently landing popping bugs under overhanging branches to waiting bass, I love it all, and I want to teach others how to do it too.
I'm a high school science teacher by trade so I'm passionate about helping people learn. It's wonderful teaching people to fly fish and watching that passion ignite. Fishing allows those who pursue it a wild glimpse into the natural world. The environments in which fishing takes place are special. These places force one to slow down; they force you to be aware of your surroundings... to look deeper into the wild.  I want to teach people to love fishing and nature as much as I do. I want clients to have an adventure of a lifetime, one that they will never forget.

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